About IHS
(Independent Health Services)
IHS Pharmacy (Independent Health Services, Inc.) is a family-owned business located in NorthEast Alabama.
Roy Sanderson, the President and owner of IHS, has been in the pharmacy business for more than 50 years. During these years, he has practiced different kinds of pharmacy, including retail, respiratory, and Since 1999, Roy has been innovating correctional pharmacy with IHS Pharmacy for institutions nationwide.

Myra Sanderson (left, daughter), Attorney
Correctional Facilities & IHS
IHS specializes in providing medication and pharmaceutical services to city, county, and some private correctional facilities. Currently, IHS serves 400+ correctional facilities, in 20+ states. IHS’s correctional facilities range in size from the smallest city jail with just a few inmates on medication, to large, private prisons and detention facilities with capacities over 1500 inmates.
The Sandersons continue to innovate to be at the forefront of pharmacy technology. IHS was founded because of a specialty medication packaging machine that the Sandersons acquired to provide medication for assisted living facilities. The machine, called AutoMed, can package patient-specific medications in packets by dose, in time and date order, with the packets attached in a strip.

Medication dispensed by the AutoMed machine is more accurate than medication dispensed by human pharmacists. Additionally, medication administered in the packaging provided by the AutoMed machine is much less likely to be administered to the wrong patient or incorrectly. Finally, medication in AutoMed packaging requires little or no “set up”, and therefore, it greatly reduces staff time spent preparing medication for administration.
Innovate your business with IHS!
Learn how IHS Pharmacy can streamline meds for your business.